Crocodiles are aquatic reptiles, and among the most feared carnivores on Earth, because of their size, big powerful jaws and aggressiveness. They are successful predators – once they were living alongside the dinosaurs. After the…
While many animals in the world look dangerous and live up to their frightening appearances, there are many others which pose little to no threat to us humans. Here’s our small list of scary looking…
Music can soothe us or set us into a frenzy. It has that power. Music is part of our heritage, our inherency after hundreds of thousands of years where tribal bonding and rituals were often…
Physical Appearance The Dumbo Octopus is a very unique creature that gets its name from looking like the famous Disney Character, Dumbo. This creature has two fins that help to convey its likeness to Dumbo…
There are a lot of scary creatures out there – but the scariest are most definitely found in the most mysterious place on Earth – the very bottom of the ocean, a sunless realm where…
Sea turtles are large, air-breathing reptiles that inhabit tropical and subtropical seas throughout the world. These creatures are well-adapted to the ocean though they require air to survive. We have collected 10 Interesting facts about…
Whales are not fish, but mammals This is actually quite simple, but there are still many members of the general public who don’t know it. Although whales have a body shape similar to fish, they…
Cheetah, Leopard, and Jaguar are three big cats that are superficially similar — all spotted, all gorgeous. If you see them, You might have thoughts, they all are the same but actually, they aren’t, there…
Dogs are a distinct subspecies of grey wolf that is very different in both appearance and behavior from its wolf cousins. The primary difference is domestication. Domestication is a genetic event that occurs when a…
According to anthropologist Lynne Isbell, it has been established that snakes have indeed a significant impact on primate evolution since the legless reptiles constitute a major reason why monkeys and other primates (including humans) have…