Social psychology studies how people’s behaviours, thoughts, feelings change because of other people. Social Psychology is the study of people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. It studies how people’s behaviours, thoughts, feelings change because of other…
Probably one of the most prominent memories of our childhood, Tom and Jerry is definitely one cartoon that made our childhood happy and enjoyable, as well as being a name which we all will not…
Gordon Ramsay is one of the most famous chef’s in the culinary world. He has three Michelin stars. The highest honor that can be given to a chef. He has a chain of Five star…
1. Juno, which sent one of the Jupiter’s picture back to NASA. White oval which is the Northern Hemisphere of that planet! 2. SpaceX, rocket to provide Internet access worldwide! This satellite contains Radar and two Starlink satellite…
1. The Earth is slowly drifting away from the sun. Tidal acceleration is an effect of the tidal forces between an orbiting natural satellite and the primary object that it orbits . The acceleration causes…
The theory of time travel is often presented in science fiction media captivating audiences with its mysteries. Today scientists continue their ever ongoing research hoping one day to unlock the secrets of time travel!! But…
Time Travel has been one of the most fascinating topics since HG Wells published his book ‘The Time Machine.’ The concept existed even before that but it was during that time the topic went into…
On the surface, this photo doesn’t look like much, right? Just some blackness, a few colorful lines…where’s even the dot? Oh, there it is. At first glance, you might think that you’re looking at an…
The world is full of science and facts( If that makes any sense). SO, Guys In this article we’ve collected some fascinating science facts throughout the Internet that will blow your mind. 1. If you…