Social psychology studies how people’s behaviours, thoughts, feelings change because of other people. Social Psychology is the study of people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. It studies how people’s behaviours, thoughts, feelings change because of other people.
It allows us to have a better grasp of how group dynamics influence our choices and actions. It also provides insights into how our social perceptions affect our interactions with other people.
Here below are mind blowing facts about Social Psychology.
The presence of other people have an impact on behavior
Known as the bystander effect, the presence of other people can have a powerful effect or impact on behavior.
When a number of people witness something, for example, an accident, the more people that are present the less likely it is that someone will step forward to help.
Existing beliefs
People usually look for things that confirm their existing beliefs and try to ignore the information that contradicts their beliefs or thinking.
This tendency to seek confirmation leads us to sometimes avoid information that challenges the way we think about the world.
People turn evil
In the right circumstances, ordinary people like you and me can turn evil. Deindividuation explains the tendency of violence that emerge in a large group of people.
It also refers to the process of losing hold of our own identity which occurs with the anonymity and diffusion of responsibility.
Stereotyped view
The way we categorize others helps us make sense of the world. At the same time, this also leads to stereotyped views.
We tend to exaggerate differences between groups and minimize differences within groups when we categorize information about social groups.
This is the reason why social differences and prejudices exist.
Go along with the crowd
In groups, sometimes it is easier to just go along with the crowd than create a scene.
Individuals often go along with the majority opinion rather than cause disruption known as groupthink.
It tends to occur more frequently when group members share a lot in common or when the group is under stress or in the presence of a charismatic leader.
Anchoring effect is common and we are affected by it all the time without realizing it.
Companies have been using anchoring as a marketing tool for very long. And many people use anchoring as their advantage.
For example, for an asking price of Rs. 500, you may bargain to get the thing for Rs. 400; but you won’t think of asking the person to give it to you for Rs. 100.
Anchors affect your estimation and provide you with first suggestion while taking a decision.
Our brain doesn’t end up with what our eyes see
We think that we are walking around looking at the world around us with our eyes.
We assume that our eyes are sending information to the brain which processes it and gives us a realistic view of what’s out there.
But the fact here is that what our eyes see is not exactly what our brain comes up with.
Recognizing patterns
People are great at recognizing patterns. It helps you make quick sense of all the sensory input that comes to you every single second.
Your eyes and brain will wish to create patterns, even if there are no real patterns there.
Adequate sleep required to read people’s faces
This is one fact that you may wish to pay attention to if you want to be able to read people well.
Researchers suggest that without a good amount of sleep, it’s very difficult to read people’s facial emotions.
A study concluded that even when deprived, people are still able to figure out when someone is about to hurt them.
It’s the more subtle emotions that are harder to figure out without sleep.
Attribute outside forces for our failures
We often attribute outside forces for our own failures but blame others for their misfortunes.
We tend to allocate our own good fortune to internal factors and negative outcomes to external forces.
When it comes to other people, we attribute their actions to internal characteristics.
For example, if we fail in an exam, we blame the teacher and if our classmate fails; it’s because he didn’t study hard enough.
Underlying attitude
Our attitudes, judgments on how we evaluate different things including ideas, people and objects can be both implicit and explicit.
Implicit attitude form and work unconsciously and still have a powerful influence on our behavior.
On the other hand, explicit attitudes are the ones of which we are fully aware and that we form consciously.
Both attitudes have a strong influence on social behavior.
Existing situation
Situational variables can play a major role and have a significant influence on our social behavior.
Individuals tend to misuse their power, authority, and behavior according to the situation present.
On a research conducted, those placed in the roles of prison guards began to abuse their power, while those in the roles of the prisoners became anxious and stressed.
Regret quick decisions
People often tend to regret decisions made in hurry or within a short span of time, even if the results are satisfying.
This is so because not the actual time allotted for the decision matters, but there is this feeling that the time allotted wasn’t enough.
Mirror body language
Mirroring people’s body language one is talking to, helps him in building trust.
It is so because by mirroring the way they speak and how they move they’ll like you more.
It is so because to them, it will seem as if you are pretty compatible.
Expectations influence behavior
Our expectations influence how we view others and how we think they should behave.
Our perceptions of other people are often based on social norms, expected roles, and social categorizations.
Since we expect people to behave in a particular way, our initial impressions of a person rely on these mental shortcuts to make fast judgments